Juan Cruz González Allonca
He is a lawyer from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), specialized in space law and holds a master’s degree in Information Systems Engineering from the National Technological University (UTN). He is currently a member of the board of directors of the National Commission for Space Activities (CONAE) and vice-president of the state-owned company VENG. He also teaches at the Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP) and in different postgraduate courses. He is also a TEDx speaker and contributor to various national and international publications with articles related to space law and policy
Deputy director 
Sonia Botta
She holds a degree in aeronautical engineering from the Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP) and a master’s degree in Space Exploration Systems from the University of Leicester, England. She is a Systems Engineer at the Aerospace Technology Center (CTA) of the Faculty of Engineering of the UNLP and coordinator of the #SatéliteUniversitario Project, which aims to take the first nanosatellite of the UNLP into space. 



Mtra. Maria Lorena Capra (Cancillería-DIGAN)

Inga. Anabel Cisneros (ARSAT)

Dra.Carola Bianco (UNLP)

Dra. Carolina Catani (CONAE)

Dr. Mariano Rodríguez Capristo (CONAE)

Dr. Jorge Pablo Puig (UNLP)

Substitute Members

Dra. Griselda Capaldo (CONICET)

Dr. Henoch Aguiar (Docente-Consultor)

Lic. Raúl Espiño (CONAE)

Dr. Daniel Blinder (CONICET)